UPDATED: ‘I thought he was a really nice guy’: Victim speaks out after estate agent steals iPad from her bedroom

MSFP iPad Mini ENGANL00120131106154711MSFP iPad Mini ENGANL00120131106154711
MSFP iPad Mini ENGANL00120131106154711
A young woman has said she ‘thought she had gone mad’ after coming home and finding her iPad had been taken – by the estate agent who was trying to sell her house.

Holly Junor said she felt ‘violated’ following the theft by Glenn Tuxford at her home in Berryfields in July.

She said: “I have been trying to sell my house so I gave the keys to the estate agent so he could show people around if I had a viewing.

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“He had the keys and he let himself in and my neighbour actually witnessed him in my bedroom.

“When I got home and I couldn’t see my iPad I thought I was going mad because I was sure that I put it on charge.

“I looked on my iPhone to try and find where it was and it said it was in town.

“I was able to track it as it was moved across town and to his address.”

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Holly, 24, said she had met Tuxford, who worked as a sales negotiator, a couple of times before the burglary.

She said: “He seemed a very friendly and bubbly person.

“I thought he was a nice guy and when I spoke to my mum I actually said to her: ‘I think he’s a really nice guy.’

Tuxford, 19, of Offas Lane, Winslow was sentenced to 40 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay £310 in compensation, costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £60 after the burglary.

Holly said: “I believe people deserve a second chance in life.

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“What really scares me about this though was that he was not an opportunist, it was obviously planned.

“Because I had only bought the iPad a couple of days ago and he had not conducted a viewing I don’t why he went there in the first place.

“He knew I lived alone and my working hours and that I had no family living nearby.

“I have had to change the locks and I am still trying to sell the house so I had to give the keys to another estate agent after what happened.

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“What he did was very unprofessional and I felt totally violated.”

PC Nicola Ambrose from Aylesbury police station said: “Tuxford committed an extremely invasive crime.

“Cases such as these can affect victims for a very long time - not only is their property stolen but there can be long lasting psychological effects.

“He was in a position of trust, and totally abused his position within the estate agents where he worked.

Thames Valley Police takes offences of this nature seriously and is committed to tackling them.

“We will not tolerate criminal activity and we will prosecute criminals.”