The smile that ‘lit up a room’: Friends and family celebrate the life of Abby Webb

Abby WebbAbby Webb
Abby Webb
Tributes have poured in for a ‘beautiful, strong and courageous’ young woman, as hundreds of friends and family members celebrated her life.

Abby Webb, who grew up in Bierton and went to Aylesbury High School, lost her six-month battle with cancer, aged 24.

Crowds of friends and family members, dressed in colourful clothes to reflect her vibrant personality, paid tribute at her funeral this morning.

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It took place in the stunning grounds of Stowe School, where Abby studied for Sixth Form, on what would have been her 25th birthday.

Abby with brother PipAbby with brother Pip
Abby with brother Pip

Her mum Georgina, 59, and dad John, 74, asked everyone to bring a favourite photo and memory of Abby which they will compile into a book.

Her brother Pip, 26, said: “I feel like the luckiest brother in the world to have had such an amazing little sister.

“She really lit up the darkest of rooms with her bubbly personality and amazing smile. I have such fond memories of the last 25 years, which I will cherish forever.”

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Her boyfriend Andrew Morrison said: “Her friends and family meant everything to her.

Abby and boyfriend Andrew MorrisonAbby and boyfriend Andrew Morrison
Abby and boyfriend Andrew Morrison

“She was the light and positivity in so many people’s lives. She was a beautiful, strong and courageous woman who will never be forgotten by anyone who met her.”

Over the last few weeks, Abby’s Facebook page has been lit up with touching tributes, photos and memories of her from dozens of friends.

Aylish Tregarthen, who went to school with Abby, said: “This world is a sadder place without my shining star but somewhere is much brighter now they’ve got her. Keep watching over us my angel.”

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Sam George said: “Never will there be a braver, more beautiful soul, snatched from us too soon. But, with the memories she has left us, and the love she gave, may we all learn to be a little bit more like Abby.”

Abby played several seasons for Buckingham Ladies Hockey Club, which included a call-up to England U16s.

They paid their own tribute by awarding Abby ‘man of the match’ when they beat Hampstead and Westminster.

Writing on Abby’s Facebook wall, vice-captain Sophie Tuckett, 27, said: “Without doubt, the most valuable contribution came from you. We won 2-1 but you were in our hearts for every second.”

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Abby went on to study at the University of Birmingham and then became an area manager for Aldi.

Since being diagnosed with the rare type of lung cancer in June, Abby smiled her way through treatments as she battled against what she named ‘the gremlin’.

And instead of asking for birthday or Christmas presents, she got friends and family to raise cash for her surgeon’s research project.

Donations have reached more than £9,200. Visit to make a donation.