Do you recognise this man who could help police in Chesham assault inquiry?

Do you recognise this man?Do you recognise this man?
Do you recognise this man?
Police want to speak to this man after a teenage horse rider was assaulted in Chesham.

At around 4.30pm on Tuesday 22 October the victim, a 15-year-old girl, was riding her horse through a Captain’s Woods in Chesham.

A man approached her shouting that she shouldn’t be there. The girl apologised and went to leave but the man then hit the back of her horse with a dog lead and took hold of her horse’s reins while continuing to shout. He then grabbed the victim by the leg and tried to pull her off the horse, causing her to lose balance but she did not fall off.

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The victim then became aware of another woman walking her dog through the field and the man then ran off.

The victim was not injured during this incident.

Investigating officer PC Patrycja Lesiakowska, based at Amersham police station, said: “I am releasing this image as I believe this man may have vital information about the incident.

“This incident has left the victim feeling very shaken and I am keen to hear from anyone who has any information or who recognises this man.”

“You can contact us using our online form or by calling 101, quoting reference number 431903239163. Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on their website or by calling 0800 555 111.”