Flag raised to commemorate Commonwealth Day

Cllr Jenny Bloom and local dignitaries at AVDC's Commonwealth Flag raising ceremony.Cllr Jenny Bloom and local dignitaries at AVDC's Commonwealth Flag raising ceremony.
Cllr Jenny Bloom and local dignitaries at AVDC's Commonwealth Flag raising ceremony.
The Commonwealth flag was raised outside Aylesbury Vale District Council's offices at The Gateway to mark Commonwealth Day 2016.

AVDC Chairman, Cllr Jenny Bloom took part in the flag-raising ceremony, attended by dignitaries including the Countess of Buckinghamshire and representatives from local community groups, including the Aylesbury Indian Cultural Society and the Nigerian Community Association of Aylesbury.

More than 850 Commonwealth flags are expected to have been flown on Monday, March 14, in locations across the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, UK Overseas Territories and other Commonwealth countries.

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This international initiative is intended to symbolise a collective public commitment to the shared values of the Commonwealth, including friendship and cooperation with fellow Commonwealth citizens around the world.

Cllr Bloom, who delivered a reading of the Commonwealth Affirmation at the ceremony in Aylesbury, said: “Commonwealth Day gives us the perfect opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our local community and join together to affirm our commitment to uphold the values set out in the Commonwealth Charter.”