Police disperse 'unlicensed music event' on St Andrews Way in Aylesbury

Police disperse 'unlicensed music event' on St Andrews Way in AylesburyPolice disperse 'unlicensed music event' on St Andrews Way in Aylesbury
Police disperse 'unlicensed music event' on St Andrews Way in Aylesbury
Police dispersed those who attended to unlicensed music event last night.

The local police said: "Thames Valley Police received reports of an unlicensed music event being held in Andrew’s Way in Aylesbury.

"Officers attended the scene and engaged with those attending and the organisers.

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"Those gathering were dispersed following engagement from our officers. No one was arrested."|

Last night on a facebook post on their page they said: "Unlicensed music events can be dangerous with little regard for public safety.