Aylesbury Vale Stronghold team charge 21-year-old with drug supply offences

Thames Valley Police officers charged a man yesterday.Thames Valley Police officers charged a man yesterday.
Thames Valley Police officers charged a man yesterday.
Thames Valley Police officers charged a man yesterday.

TVP said they had arrested a 21-year-old male from Camberley, Surrey on 'drug supply offences' at approximately 1.30pm yesterday.

The individual was detained by officers on Whaddon Chase Aylesbury, after a stop and search.

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Following a search of a property at a related address, officers recovered a further quantity of Class A and B drugs.

He has been charged with the following offences;

Possession with the intent to supply Class A - ‘Crack’ Cocaine.

Possession with the intent to supply Class A - Heroin

Possession of Class B - Cannabis.

He has been remanded into police custody and will appear in court today.

Thames Valley Police said:

"This is another case of how the Aylesbury Vale Stronghold Team are relentless in the fight against County Drug Lines (CDL).

"We leave no stone unturned as we pursue those who prey and exploit the most vulnerable in our community."