Aylesbury man in court over kidnap and rape charged with further serious offences

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Library image of police tape
A man from Aylesbury charged with the kidnap and rape of a woman in Hertfordshire has been charged with further offences by the Metropolitan Police this afternoon (Wednesday).

Joseph McCann, 34, from Aylesbury, was due to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court today charged with the alleged kidnap and rape of a woman in Watford, Hertfordshire on Easter Sunday.

In the last hour, the Met Police have released details of further charges against McCann in connection with offences committed between 21 April and 6 May.

The following charges have now been made against him:

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Library image of police tape

One count of kidnap and one count of rape in connection with offences in Hertfordshire.

Two counts of kidnap, four counts of rape, one count of false imprisonment, two counts of causing a female aged 13 or over to engage in non-penetrative sexual activity and one count of assaulting a female 13 and over by penetration with part of body/a thing in connection with offences in London.

McCann will next appear via video link at Westminster Magistrates Court tomorrow (Thursday).

The Met Police say officers from their homicide and major crime command are continuing to investigate McCann and that a file remains with the Crown Prosecution Service in relation to further alleged offences.